Mexityl 100 mg. 100 kapsuli.
Forma tad-dożaġġ
- Kapsuli: 100 mg ta 'mexiletine kull wieħed.
- Ippakkjar: 100 kapsula.
Jekk jogħġbok innota li d-dehra tal-ippakkjar tista 'tvarja skont il-manifattur u r-reġjun tal-bejgħ.
Ingredjent attiv
Mexiletine hija mediċina antiarritmika tal-klassi IB li tistabbilizza l-membrani tal-kardjomijoċiti u tnaqqas l-eċitabbiltà tagħhom.
- Doża Inizjali: Normalment 200 mg (2 kapsuli ta’ 100 mg) kull 8 sigħat.
- Doża ta’ Manteniment: Tista’ tiġi aġġustata skont ir-rispons kliniku u t-tolleranza, ġeneralment bejn 200 mg u 300 mg kull 8 sigħat.
- Doża Massima Kuljum: M’għandhiex taqbeż 1200 mg.
Kif tuża:
- Il-kapsuli għandhom jittieħdu oralment, billi tixrob biżżejjed ilma, irrispettivament mill-ikel.
Mexitil is the trade name for a medication containing mexiletine, a class IB antiarrhythmic agent. It is used for the treatment and prevention of various cardiac rhythm disorders.
Indications for Use:
- Ventricular Arrhythmias:
- Treatment and prevention of symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias, including ventricular tachycardia.
- Supraventricular Arrhythmias:
- For cases where other treatment options are ineffective or contraindicated.
- Known hypersensitivity to mexiletine or any components of the drug.
- Cardiogenic Shock.
- Sick Sinus Syndrome, unless a pacemaker is present.
- Second- or Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block, unless the patient has a pacemaker.
- Severe bradycardia.
Side Effects:
- Central Nervous System:
- Dizziness, tremor, blurred vision, headache, nervousness, drowsiness.
- Gastrointestinal System:
- Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain.
- Cardiovascular System:
- Hypotension, worsening of arrhythmias, bradycardia.
- Allergic Reactions:
- Skin rash, pruritus (itching).
Special Instructions:
- Therapy Monitoring:
- Regular monitoring of ECG and plasma mexiletine levels is recommended to optimize dosage and minimize the risk of side effects.
- Hepatic and Renal Impairment:
- In patients with liver or kidney dysfunction, dose adjustments and careful monitoring are necessary.
- Drug Interactions:
- Mexiletine may interact with other antiarrhythmic agents, beta-blockers, and CYP2D6 inhibitors. Use caution when combining therapies.
- Pregnancy and Lactation:
- Use is permitted only under strict medical indications and supervision.
- Consultation Recommended:
- Before initiating treatment with Mexitil, consult a healthcare provider to evaluate the appropriateness of therapy and determine the optimal dosage. Self-medication is not advised and may result in adverse effects.